Indoor Air Pollution and Plants
In this overpopulated world, many people live in poorly ventilated areas. Every year 1.6 million people die because of indoor air pollution. Now during the time of Coronavirus pandemic, maximum people stay at home and this dying number is increasing day by day.
According to NASA, the leaves, roots, soil, and associated microorganisms of plants have been evaluated as a possible means of reducing indoor air pollutants.
Plants that grow inside are generally bloomed in the temperature of 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They are mainly the plants of the tropical region which enjoy temperature and humidity but do not need direct sunlight.
They purify the air by removing toxins, help to deter illness, ease tension and lower stress, create a relaxed and happy ambience whilst helping you to ultimately work better through improved concentration, heightened attention, enhanced creativity, increased productivity and enriched overall well-being. The air-purifying and filtering properties of indoor plants ultimately foster a healthier and happier working and living environment. Even NASA said that toxic and cancer-causing volatile organic compounds can be removed by keeping indoor plants. Formaldehyde and benzene are two of these compounds.
Wolverton The NASA Scientist recommends that at least two well-sized plants are needed for every 100 square feet (approximately 9.3 square meters) of indoor space. The bigger the plant and leafier the plant, the better. This is because air purification is influenced by the surface area of leaves present.
Another study, funded by Hort Innovations, found that even just one houseplant in an average room (4 meters by 5 meters room, or roughly 13 by 16 feet) improved air quality by 25%. The two plants have produced a 75% improvement. Having five or more plants produced even better results, with the magic number being 10 plants in a room of the size previously mentioned.
In a larger room (8 x 8 meters, or 26 by 26 feet), 16 plants were needed to provide a 75% improvement in air quality, with 32 plants producing the best results.
Indoor plants can also alter the look of homes, offices or any other indoor spaces and are very beneficial and highly valuable for physical and mental change of an individual. Purifies air, regulates humidity, reduces stress level, increases productivity can turn any indoor space into a joyful space which also a treat for the eye.